- maintenance service
- техническое обслуживание; служба ремонта
Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. Составители: С. М. Никитин, Ю. И. Хрущев. 1962.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. Составители: С. М. Никитин, Ю. И. Хрущев. 1962.
Maintenance, repair and operations — or maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) is fixing any sort of mechanical or electrical device should it become out of order or broken (repair) as well as performing the routine actions which keep the device in working order (maintenance) or… … Wikipedia
service station — ☆ service station n. 1. a place providing maintenance service, parts, supplies, etc. for mechanical or electrical equipment 2. a place providing such service, and selling gasoline, oil, etc., for motor vehicles … English World dictionary
Maintenance, repair, and operations — Mechanical repair Maintenance, repair, and operations[1] (MRO) or maintenance, repair, and overhaul[2] involves fixing any sort of … Wikipedia
maintenance — noun 1 keeping sth in good condition ADJECTIVE ▪ annual, daily, regular, routine ▪ periodic ▪ These fences are fairly rugged but they require periodic maintenance. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
maintenance — / meɪntənəns/ noun 1. the process of keeping things going or working ● Maintenance of contacts is important for a sales rep. ● It is essential to ensure the maintenance of supplies to the factory. 2. the process of keeping a machine in good… … Dictionary of banking and finance
Maintenance testing — is that testing which is performed to either identify equipment problems, diagnose equipment problems or to confirm that repair measures have been effective. It can be performed at either the system level (e.g., the HVAC system), the equipment… … Wikipedia
Service management — is integrated into Supply Chain Management as the joint between the actual sales and the customer. The aim of high performance Service Management is to optimize the service intensive supply chains, which are usually more complex than the typical… … Wikipedia
service — ser·vice 1 n 1: the act of delivering to or informing someone of a writ, summons, or other notice as prescribed by law after service of process see also notice by publication at notice, s … Law dictionary
Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act — Old Parliament House, photographed in January 2006 An Act to provide for the maintenance of religious harmony and for establishing a Presidential Council for Religious Harmony and for matters conne … Wikipedia
service — service1 [sʉr′vis] n. [ME servise < OFr < L servitium, servitude < servus, slave: see SERF] 1. the occupation or condition of a servant 2. a) employment, esp. public employment [diplomatic service] b) a branch or department of this,… … English World dictionary
Maintenance Productive Totale — Origines Née officiellement au Japon en 1971, la TPM (initiales de l anglais japonais total productive maintenance, traduit diversement en français par « maintenance productive totale » ou « maintenance totale productive »)… … Wikipédia en Français